How experienced are you with Social networking Applications like Flickr, Blogger,, Elluminate, VET Virtual or Twitter?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Food Service Managers Video

To add an online resource, e.g., Youtube video to your blog - you want to find the HTML source code to "embed" the video on your blog.

This is pretty straightforward in Youtube.

Go to YouTube - search for a related video - e.g., food preparation, customer relations, etc ...

Copy the "embed" HTML

Go back to Blogger and paste the code into a new posting. Be sure to select the "Edit Html" tab and paste the embed HTML code there.

The video will now show up automatically in your blog - as long as it remains available at Youtube.

Hands - on

Find 2 or 3 video resources at
Copy the Embed HTMl
Create new posts in your Blogger account for each resource
Paste the embed HTML in your posts
Put in a description of the post ...

Wrap Up!

Plan for the Day


Presenting Digital Story Projects

Remember our DST assignments? How did you go? Where did you get to?
Where might you take the project to next?

More MP3 Recording: Audio testimonials about our projects and the
process of DST out in the field.

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00

Advanced Blogging

Adjusting layouts, Repurposing online assets, e.g., Audio, Video,
YouTube resources right to your blog.

Blogging as a teaching and learning strategy: explore and discuss a
showcase of examples such as E-Portfolio blogs, blogs as an interactive
presentation tool, and practicum/workplace assessment blogs.

12 - 1:15 Lunch (at CDU Cafeteria / Schuberts)

Social Networking Skills

1:15 - 2:30

Sharing Our Images - Flickr

What it is, How to setup accounts, How to Upload & Create sets, Posting
Flickr "Badges" to your blog

2:30 - 3:15

Sharing Our Favourites -

What it is, How to setup a account(s), tagging, posting your favourites to your blog.

3:15 - 3:30

Project Closure

What is Flickr?

  1. The Best Online Photo Management and Sharing Application

Flickr wants to help people make their photos available to the people who matter to them. Maybe they want to keep a blog of moments captured on their cameraphone, or maybe they want to show off their best pictures to the whole world in a bid for web celebrity. Or maybe they want to securely and privately share photos of their kids with their family across the country. Flickr makes all these things possible and more!


Explore and Enjoy!

  1. Go to Flickr
  2. Wikipedia on Flickr
  3. Bill's flickr
  4. Robyn Jay's getting started with Flickr
  5. The handy Flickr Uploader Application

Perspectives on Social Networking

McClelland’s Needs Theory

In his acquired-needs theory, David McClelland proposed that an individual's specific needs are acquired over time and are shaped by one's life experiences. Most of these needs can be classed as either achievement, affiliation, or power.

Look at Me / Us – Need for Acknowledgement
Look at Who I / We Know – Need for Affiliation
Look at What I /We Can Do - Need for Power / Recognition
Look at What I/We Made – Need for Achievement

I see these basic needs as intertwining and intersecting with each other and forming the foundational motivation for social networking.

Studies in distance education have demonstrated that an over emphasis on social presence may be inversely correlated to the facilitation of cognitive presence. We can actually generate certain rules / mores / norms online as we generate community, trust and belonging so that we might circumvent risk taking, more critical inquiry and challenging viewpoints or the co-creation of new knowledge.

What is

A collection of Favorites - Yours and Everyone Else's let you keep links to your favorite articles, blogs, music, restaurant reviews, and more and access them from any computer on the web. Share favorites with friends, family, and colleagues. Discover new things. Everything on is someone's favorite - they've already done the work of finding it.


Explore and enjoy.

  1. Wikipedia on
  2. Go to
  3. Bill's
  4. Robyn Jay's Getting Started with

The Future of Tagging

As you manually labour over tagging either your bookmarks in, or photos and sets in Flickr - imagine a software application that intelligently does this for us. Now have a look at Sea Dragon and Photosynth and ponder the future role of artificial intelligence making these types of connections for us.